How does a Chiropractic Adjustment work and why is it so important to overall Health?
This past month:

This is how it helps people with other health issues besides back pain and sciatica such as allergies, digestive problems, headaches, chronic fatigue, ADHD, skin issues (the largest organ of the body) visual disturbances… and basically anything connected with the nervous system, which is everything since the nervous system controls every muscle, gland and organ in the body.

7 Ground Rules for Healthy Living
7 Ground Rules for Healthy Living
Below is the newest study supporting what I discuss with patients every visit…preventing illness (in this case cancer) by staying Strong & Healthy.
To augment the general advice given in this article - here are The 7 Ground Rules on Healthy Living I have devised after 40 years of studying Health & Fitness:
- Eat plenty of real food, limit alcohol and desserts to 2 days a week and exercise daily… without getting hurt! For example, a brisk walk 30 minutes daily is HEALTHIER than running a marathon. Remember, Philippides - the first man to run from Marathon to Athens to deliver a message of history-DIED!
- Drink 2 liters of filtered water, breathe through your nose, get plenty of fresh air and sunshine, sleep soundly by clearing your mind before bed and have a bowel movement DAILY.
- Take high quality supplements manufactured to cGMP standards. (Certified Good Manufacturing Practice)
- AVOID Fads! Trendy diets, exercise programs and nutritional advice usually do more harm than good. Time always tells and I don’t want you to become a statistic. Stick to the basics listed here.
- Maintain an optimistic attitude, laugh often and stay busy in a labor of love. In other words, do what you love and love what you do. Then "recreate yourself" with wholesome recreation time.
- Live One Day at a Time (thank you Dalai Lama)
- Make sure your Spine, Ribs, and all your Joints, Skull Bones, Organs and Muscles are in alignment through chiropractic / applied kinesiology treatments - once a month is optimal or every season at the very least. (If you wait until you are hurting... you went too long!)
I believe these 7 Healthy Ground Rules derived from the hundreds of books (yes books… those things before the internet that sparked the Age of Enlightenment. Hopefully, the internet takes us to a greater Age) and tens of thousands of hours I have spent over the past 4 decades studying health and fitness principles will serve you well in your quest to live as richly as possible!
Dr. Eugene Charles
(800) 351-5450
Healthy Living Could Mean a Lot Fewer Cancers
By Kelly Young
Edited by
- Andre Sofair, MD, MPH, and
- William E. Chavey, MD, MS
Adopting a healthy lifestyle could avert at least a quarter of cancers and half of cancer-related deaths, suggests a JAMA Oncology study.
Researchers studied 28,000 healthcare professionals who met four healthy lifestyle criteria: never or past smoking, moderate or no alcohol consumption, BMI of 18.5-27.4, and regular physical activity. These participants were compared with over 100,000 participants who didn't meet all four criteria.
The researchers calculated that 25% of cancers in women and 33% in men might not have occurred if everyone adopted the healthy lifestyle. Similarly, 48% of cancer deaths in women and 44% in men might have been averted. When comparing the healthy group to the U.S. white population in general, the reductions were even greater. Lung and esophageal cancers saw the greatest reductions.
Editorialists write: "As a society, we need to avoid procrastination induced by thoughts that chance drives all cancer risk or that new medical discoveries are needed to make major gains against cancer, and instead we must embrace the opportunity to reduce our collective cancer toll by implementing effective prevention strategies and changing the way we live."
JAMA Oncology article (Free)
JAMA Oncology editorial (Free)
Matt Harvey does NOT need surgery!
I see Matt Harvey is diagnosed with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS). I had a case of TOS (also called brachial neuritis) that led to arm paralysis in a mountain climber. Fortunately, I successfully treated him non-surgically and he went on to a full recovery and is mountain climbing again. This case was published in a Medical Journal. I believe Mr Harvey has a similar condition to this patient with the full right arm paralysis who went on to a full recovery without surgery. (Actually he had nerve entrapment surgery before coming to our office and the patient said it worsened the condition)
Likewise, I feel Mr. Harvey does not need surgery! He does not need the rib REMOVED… he simply needs it MOVED! From what I have read in the news, it looks to me that the rib has become misaligned and it just needs to have its position adjusted slightly…not ripped out. To reiterate, common sense dictates that if the rib needed to be removed it would have ALWAYS been a problem!
In all likelihood, without examining him, this probably occurred this year because of Mr. Harvey's emotional stress from last year which physiologically caused his pectoralis minor muscle to become hypertonic as a defense mechanism (fight or flight response). This, in conjunction with the fact that he is such an emotionally charged individual to start with, is what I believe predisposed this condition to happen now. In other words...he is physiologically tightening up his chest, ribs, and shoulders. (This is why he complained to his agent, Mr. Scott Boras that he felt like he had a "dead arm" earlier in the season)
The rib in question cannot in and of itself BE the problem otherwise it would have ALWAYS bothered him. Therefore, logic dictates the rib itself is not the problem…the rib’s newly developed lack of proper movement is the problem; and this is due to a physiological and biomechanical problem with the ribcage, not an anatomical problem. I.e. he was not born with an overgrown rib.
Last year, Harvard had its 4th International Fascial Symposium to "To advance our understanding of structure and function, educate scientists and clinical professionals" about the importance of fascia.
In my practice I focus on Maximizing Human Performance and I guarantee that if I am right, a simple realignment of the rib(s) and a releasing of the tight fascia around the pectoralis minor muscle would have Mr. Harvey as good, if not better than ever, in 10 days!
You cannot put a rib back once you take it out! I have been doing this for 30 years and I don’t flippantly make guarantees; however, I mean what I said above with all my heart.
I pray the surgery is a success and I wish Matt Harvey all the luck in the world. Sincerely,
Dr. Eugene Charles The Applied Kinesiology Center of New York 36 East 36th Street New York, NY 10016 (212) 683 -9328
Beating Ebola Hysteria
Dr. Charles is disseminating the information below from The Centers For Disease Control to his doctors. He thought you should also know the truth and see there is no reason for hysteria.
Essentially, unless you come into intimate contact with someone infected with Ebola—you are fine.
Similar to preventing infection from ANY virus make sure you:
2. Wash your hands regularly with soap (NOTbactericidal) and water.
3. Drink two liters of pure water daily.
7. Receive monthly chiropractic/kinesiology treatments to enhance the strength of your immune system. To find a great doctor in your area go to:
*8. (OPTIONAL): Take one ImmunoMax daily—and other nutritional supplements—from here:
*REMEMBER: YOU are much Bigger than a virus. If you keep yourself strong with these seven easy tips you will beat any bug and stay healthy!
To Actualizing Your Potential and Living as Richly as possible,
Eugene Charles, D.C., DIBAK Diplomate, International Board of Applied Kinesiology
Follow Dr. Charles on Twitter, and subscribe to his YouTube channel.
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Evaluating Patients for Ebola: CDC Recommendations for Clinicians
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Health Advisory
October 03, 2014
- The first case of Ebola virus disease (Ebola) diagnosed in the United States was reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by Dallas County Health and Human Services on September 28, 2014, and laboratory-confirmed by CDC and the Texas Laboratory Response Network (LRN) laboratory on September 30. The patient departed Monrovia, Liberia, on September 19, and arrived in Dallas, Texas, on September 20. The patient was asymptomatic during travel and upon his arrival in the United States; he fell ill on September 24 and sought medical care at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas on September 26. He was treated and released. On September 28, he returned to the same hospital and was admitted for treatment.
The purpose of this HAN Advisory is to remind healthcare personnel and health officials to:
1. Increase their vigilance in inquiring about a history of travel to Ebola-affected countries in the 21 days before illness onset for any patient presenting with fever or other symptoms consistent with Ebola;
2. Isolate patients who report a travel history to an Ebola-affected country (currently Liberia, Sierra Leone, Senegal, and Guinea) and who are exhibiting Ebola symptoms in a private room with a private bathroom and implement standard, contact, and droplet precautions (gowns, facemask, eye protection, and gloves); and
3. Immediately notify the local/state health department.
The first known case of Ebola with illness onset and laboratory confirmation in the United States occurred in Dallas, Texas, on September 2014, in a traveler from Liberia. The West African countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea are experiencing the largest Ebola epidemic in history. From March 24, 2014, through September 23, 2014, there have been 6,574 total cases (3,626 were laboratory-confirmed) and 3,091 total deaths reported in Africa.
Ebola is a rare and deadly disease caused by infection with one of four viruses (Ebolavirus genus) that cause disease in humans. Ebola infection is associated with fever of greater than 38.6°C or 101.5°F, and additional symptoms such as severe headache, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or unexplained hemorrhage. Ebola is spread through direct contact (through broken skin or mucous membranes) with blood or body fluids (including but not limited to urine, saliva, feces, vomit, sweat, breast milk, and semen) of a person who is sick with Ebola or contact with objects (such as needles and syringes) that have been contaminated with these fluids. Ebola is not spread through the air or water. The main source for spread is human-to-human transmission.
Avoiding contact with infected persons (as well as potentially infected corpses) and their blood and body fluids is of paramount importance. Persons are not contagious before they are symptomatic. The incubation period (the time from exposure until onset of symptoms) is typically 8-10 days, but can range from 2-21 days. Additional information is available at
Early recognition is critical to controlling the spread of Ebola virus. Consequently, healthcare personnel should elicit the patient's travel history and consider the possibility of Ebola in patients who present with fever, myalgia, severe headache, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, or unexplained bleeding or bruising. Should the patient report a history of recent travel to one of the affected West African countries (Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea) and exhibit such symptoms, immediate action should be taken. The Ebola algorithm for the evaluation of a returned traveler and the checklist for evaluation of a patient being evaluated for Ebola are available at and
The following guidance documents provide additional information about clinical presentation and clinical course of Ebola virus disease, infection control, and patient management:
- Guidelines for clinicians in U.S. healthcare settings are available at
- Guidelines for infection prevention control for hospitalized patients with known or suspected Ebola in U.S. hospitals are available at
- Guidelines for safe management of patients with Ebola in U.S. hospitals are at
The case definitions for persons under investigation (PUI) for Ebola, probable cases, and confirmed cases as well as classification of exposure risk levels are at
Persons at highest risk of developing infection are:
- those who have had direct contact with the blood and body fluids of an individual diagnosed with Ebola — this includes any person who provided care for an Ebola patient, such as a healthcare provider or family member not adhering to recommended infection control precautions (i.e., not wearing recommended PPE)
- those who have had close physical contact with an individual diagnosed with Ebola
- those who lived with or visited the Ebola-diagnosed patient while he or she was ill.
Persons who have been exposed, but who are asymptomatic, should be instructed to monitor their health for the development of fever or symptoms for 21 days after the last exposure. Guidelines for monitoring and movement of persons who have been exposed to Ebola are available at
Diagnostic tests are available for detection of Ebola at LRN laboratories as well as CDC. Consultation with CDC is required before shipping specimens to CDC. Information about diagnostic testing for Ebola can be found at
Healthcare personnel in the United States should immediately contact their state or local health department regarding any person being evaluated for Ebola if the medical evaluation suggests that diagnostic testing may be indicated. If there is a high index of suspicion, U.S. health departments should immediately report any probable cases or PUI ( to CDC's Emergency Operations Center at 770-488-7100.
Patients in whom a diagnosis of Ebola is being considered should be isolated in a single room (with a private bathroom), and healthcare personnel should follow standard, contact, and droplet precautions, including the use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Infection control personnel and the local health department should be immediately contacted for consultation.
The following guidance documents provide additional information about clinical presentation and clinical course of Ebola virus disease, infection control, and patient management:
- Guidelines for clinicians in U.S. healthcare settings are available at
- Guidelines for infection prevention control for hospitalized patients with known or suspected Ebola in U.S. hospitals are available at
- Guidelines for safe management of patients with Ebola in U.S. hospitals are at
The case definitions for persons under investigation (PUI) for Ebola, probable cases, and confirmed cases as well as classification of exposure risk levels are at
Persons at highest risk of developing infection are:
- those who have had direct contact with the blood and body fluids of an individual diagnosed with Ebola — this includes any person who provided care for an Ebola patient, such as a healthcare provider or family member not adhering to recommended infection control precautions (i.e., not wearing recommended PPE)
- those who have had close physical contact with an individual diagnosed with Ebola
- those who lived with or visited the Ebola-diagnosed patient while he or she was ill.
Persons who have been exposed, but who are asymptomatic, should be instructed to monitor their health for the development of fever or symptoms for 21 days after the last exposure. Guidelines for monitoring and movement of persons who have been exposed to Ebola are available at
Diagnostic tests are available for detection of Ebola at LRN laboratories as well as CDC. Consultation with CDC is required before shipping specimens to CDC. Information about diagnostic testing for Ebola can be found at
Healthcare personnel in the United States should immediately contact their state or local health department regarding any person being evaluated for Ebola if the medical evaluation suggests that diagnostic testing may be indicated. If there is a high index of suspicion, U.S. health departments should immediately report any probable cases or PUI ( to CDC's Emergency Operations Center at 770-488-7100.
Tommy John Surgery or Dr. George Goodheart Treatments?
How applied kinesiology can be an integral part of an athlete’s recovery from injuries:
Yankees pitcher Masahiro Tanaka suffered an elbow injury that will keep him off the mound for at least 6 weeks. The Wall Street Journal's Daniel Barbarisi reports that Tanaka has a slight tear of his ulnar collateral ligament. We all know that a full tear means Tommy John surgery, and rightly so. The surgery is a modern marvel and has become more famous than the pitcher it is named after!
As these excellent doctors try their best to successfully heal Mr. Tanaka’s elbow—so he can avoid surgery—I will share with you how applied kinesiology could be added to the team approach to healing this athlete (and we are all athletes in our own way) and perhaps help save his career.
Applied kinesiology is another modern marvel started by a man who is not as famous as Tommy John. His name is Dr. George Goodheart and he developed a healing system known as applied kinesiology. It proved to be so successful that Dr. Goodheart was selected to the Olympic Medical Committee in 1980 when he healed the injured hamstring of the Medical Committee Chairman - Dr. Irving Dardik, after other therapies could not!
In this case, and with the information available to me—Mr. Tanaka complaining of arm fatigue, pitching on less rest than he did in Japan, and the assurance that there was no traumatic event like a loud pop—here is my suggestion of what applied kinesiology can add to the therapies being used:
1. It sounds like his elbow is not moving properly and has what is known as a subluxation. A subluxation is where the joint is NOT dislocated, however it is not moving 100% properly either. It is stuck somewhere in between, literally! The elbow is comprised of three joints (humero-radial, humero-ulnar, proximal radio-ulnar) and it appears that at least one of the joints is not functioning in the proper manner.
*A manual adjustment is needed to realign one or all three of the joints. Most likely in this case the humero-ulnar joint is subluxated and causing excessing strain on the ligament that connects the two bones—the infamous ulnar collateral ligament. This joint is probably not moving properly with many pitchers and this may be a major reason they end up tearing the ligament due to the elbow’s compromised position. After all, if it was just a case of overuse then ALL pitchers would get this when they hit a certain cumulative pitch count (This adjustment helps to heal the joint).
2. Kinesiological techniques to restore optimal function to the muscles around the elbow (pronator teres, supinator, wrist flexors etc.) These are specific massage techniques that restore the muscle to its pre-injury status. These techniques should be employed BEFORE physical therapy is initiated (This helps to heal the muscles).
3. Percussion therapy over the ulnar collateral ligament to induce the fibroblasts to synthesize collagen and promote the healing and strengthening of the ligament (This helps to heal the ligaments).
4. NUTRITION—The last aspect that is so often overlooked in ALL injuries is the need for the nutrition that the body needs to heal. Nutrients to stop inflammation and promote the healing of muscles, tendons and ligaments are needed for a complete recovery. This is an entire topic in itself.
Briefly, Vitamin C and the mineral manganese are essential to heal ligaments; omega oils and herbs like curcumin, ginger and boswellia help stop inflammation; and my PROFESSIONAL SPORTS INJURY SECRET—natural anti-histamines! That’s right, natural anti-histamines. Why? Because when a joint is injured it disrupts mast cells which release histamines and cause excessive pain and inflammation. I have used natural anti-histamines with amazing results in healing injured ankles, shoulders, wrists….and yes, elbows (This helps to heal the joint, muscles and ligaments).
Now you have it. How applied kinesiology can be an asset in assisting the medical team working on Masahiro Tanaka’s elbow. It can bring another set of tools to the "Medical Pit Crew” working earnestly to help this athlete do what he loves. This goes for all athletes and remember WE ARE ALL ATHLETES IN OUR OWN WAY!
To Actualizing Your Potential and Your Great Health and Success,
Eugene Charles, D.C., DIBAK Diplomate, International Board of Applied Kinesiology
Follow Dr. Charles on Twitter, and subscribe to his YouTube channel.
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When Galileo asked the Church Fathers to look through his telescope, legend has it they refused. Even though he wanted to show them the truth—that the sun and not the earth, was the center of our solar system—they would have none of it.
A new study recently came out, yet again, proving that the United States Health System is DEAD LAST among the 11 industrialized nations in our world. See here
I just returned from a trip to Washington D.C. where top professional Applied Kinesiologists from all over the world gathered for our annual international meeting (, and as I listened to these brilliant doctors talk about their newest clinical research and saw such a panorama of answers to the current problems with the US Healthcare system, I felt like I was LOOKING THROUGH GALILEO'S TELESCOPE and seeing the truth.
What is currently being done in America is not working, and doing less of it is NOT the answer. Embracing Holistic Healing Systems; such as applied kinesiology, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, exercise & nutrition and adding it to the excellent heroic medicine that we have in our emergency rooms throughout the country is THE ANSWER.
Let’s lose the PILL FOR A PROBLEM mentality of our failing US Healthcare System and put our American ingenuity to work. Doing the same thing everyday and expecting different results is insanity... It’s time to stop drugging ourselves up and start improving our health with holistic healing systems that are proving they work everyday in doctors’ offices all over the globe!
Best wishes to your Great Health & Success,
Eugene Charles, D.C., DIBAK Diplomate, International Board of Applied Kinesiology
Cramping-up the NBA Finals
WHO SAW game 1 of the NBA Finals Thursday night as LeBron James was forced to miss the final minutes because of cramps as he was carried off the court?
How Applied Kinesiology can help:
When I caught "The King's" post-game press conference, he mentioned his doctors "do not know" why he endured cramps as he was put on an IV in the locker room. This tells me that his problem is of a functional nature; not pathological one (In other words, it is not a disease; otherwise his excellent doctors would have found the problem and would be best suited to correct it). As I listened to greatest basketball player in the game explain why this periodically happens to him, I was struck to hear him claim, “playoff sweat is different from regular season sweat...” Well, he is right! The stress levels are very different, therefore you can lose more sodium through your sweat and become more prone to "cramp-up."
The stress glands (adrenal glands) secrete a hormone called "aldosterone" and when the adrenals are fatigued they may not secrete enough aldosterone—so you lose sodium and suffer intense cramps (along with other symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, light sensitivity, brain fog and more.)
JUST LIKE LEBRON, many people need physical treatment to their adrenal glands.
This includes:
Chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, deep percussion and nutrition such as Vitamin C, B vitamins.
Plus natural remedies such as:
Licorice root, cordyceps, rhodiola and/or withania.
There are standard functional tests for the adrenal glands that any doctor can do. Hopefully, Mr. James and others will get these tests done and receive treatment from a Professional Applied Kinesiologist who will help them to perform at their absolute best and be prepared to deal with all the stresses life has to offer.
Be well,
Dr. Eugene Charles
Is Sitting The New Smoking..?
Dear Intelligent Health Conscious Individual As you may or may not have heard, mainstream medicine is catching up to what we have already learned in regards to "getting up and moving" for a few minutes every hour.
Read these new articles from The Mayo Clinic explaining how bad inactivity is:
Personally, I agree with most of what is said, but please take these articles with a grain of sea salt. Why? It is very one sided about movement, and I am concerned people will go OVERBOARD and start taping their feet to a recumbent bike so they can exercise while they are sleeping! I’ll explain the need for balance in a minute...
As you know, I am all for moving your muscles and joints. Most of you have the Power Kinetics® Exercise DVD from last year. As you are aware there is a section on the "10 Things to Do at Work" to stay strong & healthy. Do those and you will be in great shape—literally and figuratively.
You have also learned throughout the years that the human frame was never meant to sit for as long as most people do, BUT if you must sit for prolonged periods (sometimes it’s not feasible to jump-up in the middle of a meeting) you should wear a sacroiliac belt to avoid getting a Sprained Pelvis. See my demonstration here:
SYMPTOMS from a Sprained Pelvis Syndrome:
1. Low Back Pain
2. Hip / Groin pain
3. Sciatic pain or tightness down the leg
4. Neck pain
5. Headaches
6. “Frozen Shoulder Syndrome"
7. Bladder / Prostate Problems
8. Uterus / Ovarian Problems __________
These problems can only be corrected by having your pelvis aligned with a chiropractic adjustment, strapping on the sacroiliac and limiting your sitting!
Most of the information in the above Mayo Clinic articles is absolutely accurate about how movement is a TONIC for the body, however—in order to supply a little SHOCK value—authors often have to go the extreme. (I know this because recently a literary agent told me that the material I am putting into the book I am working on, Avenue To Health: How Applied Kinesiology Can Change Your Life seems life altering but it “has no hook.” I replied, “I’m sorry that the truth about how to live a long, healthy, pain-free life is not exciting enough! I’ll bet we can find a publisher in a week if I write a book titled, The Magical Seaweed Enema and How it can Cure ALL your Ailments!” FYI; the agent did not share my sardonic sense of humor.)
Therefore, one of my jobs is to censor everything for you and make sure you get accurate information (as boring as the TRUTH is). The key, as always, is common sense and balance! Along with this new trend of movement, which is valid, there is a plethora of old anecdotes suggesting the benefits of rest. __________
In the classic book, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living written in 1944, the author Dale Carnegie interviewed a vibrant and 80 year old Henry Ford who gave as his secret to vitality:
“I never stand when I can sit down; and I never sit down when I can lie down.”
This is almost the opposite of the NEWEST research! So what are you to do? Again the key is balance.
Your Health Prescription regarding movement is:
1. Get up and move for 10 minutes every hour if you are in a sedentary job.
2. Rest 10 minutes out of every hour if you are in an active job.
3. If you can, take an afternoon 10 minute nap; just like Thomas Edison, Leonardo DaVinci, Connie Mack, Eleanor Roosevelt, John D. Rockefeller, and Napoleon did.
*Not only will all 3 make you HEALTHIER. They will also make you stronger and more productive!
So while the internet is a great source for health information, you still need to have an expert decipher all of the often conflicting reports for you. Remember what Mark Twain said:
“Be careful reading health books… you could die from a misprint!”
Best wishes to your continued Great Health & Success,
Dr. Eugene Charles
*Appointments are available at (212)-683-9328
*Inspirational Books are available at
*Applied Kinesiology DVDs are available at
*Power Kinetics® Exercise DVD / Supplements are available at
Is Sitting The New Smoking..?
Dear Intelligent Health Conscious Individual As you may or may not have heard, mainstream medicine is catching up to what we have already learned in regards to "getting up and moving" for a few minutes every hour.
Read these new articles from The Mayo Clinic explaining how bad inactivity is:
Personally, I agree with most of what is said, but please take these articles with a grain of sea salt. Why? It is very one sided about movement, and I am concerned people will go OVERBOARD and start taping their feet to a recumbent bike so they can exercise while they are sleeping! I’ll explain the need for balance in a minute...
As you know, I am all for moving your muscles and joints. Most of you have the Power Kinetics® Exercise DVD from last year. As you are aware there is a section on the "10 Things to Do at Work" to stay strong & healthy. Do those and you will be in great shape—literally and figuratively.
You have also learned throughout the years that the human frame was never meant to sit for as long as most people do, BUT if you must sit for prolonged periods (sometimes it’s not feasible to jump-up in the middle of a meeting) you should wear a sacroiliac belt to avoid getting a Sprained Pelvis. See my demonstration here:
SYMPTOMS from a Sprained Pelvis Syndrome:
1. Low Back Pain
2. Hip / Groin pain
3. Sciatic pain or tightness down the leg
4. Neck pain
5. Headaches
6. “Frozen Shoulder Syndrome"
7. Bladder / Prostate Problems
8. Uterus / Ovarian Problems __________
These problems can only be corrected by having your pelvis aligned with a chiropractic adjustment, strapping on the sacroiliac and limiting your sitting!
Most of the information in the above Mayo Clinic articles is absolutely accurate about how movement is a TONIC for the body, however—in order to supply a little SHOCK value—authors often have to go the extreme. (I know this because recently a literary agent told me that the material I am putting into the book I am working on, Avenue To Health: How Applied Kinesiology Can Change Your Life seems life altering but it “has no hook.” I replied, “I’m sorry that the truth about how to live a long, healthy, pain-free life is not exciting enough! I’ll bet we can find a publisher in a week if I write a book titled, The Magical Seaweed Enema and How it can Cure ALL your Ailments!” FYI; the agent did not share my sardonic sense of humor.)
Therefore, one of my jobs is to censor everything for you and make sure you get accurate information (as boring as the TRUTH is). The key, as always, is common sense and balance! Along with this new trend of movement, which is valid, there is a plethora of old anecdotes suggesting the benefits of rest. __________
In the classic book, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living written in 1944, the author Dale Carnegie interviewed a vibrant and 80 year old Henry Ford who gave as his secret to vitality:
“I never stand when I can sit down; and I never sit down when I can lie down.”
This is almost the opposite of the NEWEST research! So what are you to do? Again the key is balance.
Your Health Prescription regarding movement is:
1. Get up and move for 10 minutes every hour if you are in a sedentary job.
2. Rest 10 minutes out of every hour if you are in an active job.
3. If you can, take an afternoon 10 minute nap; just like Thomas Edison, Leonardo DaVinci, Connie Mack, Eleanor Roosevelt, John D. Rockefeller, and Napoleon did.
*Not only will all 3 make you HEALTHIER. They will also make you stronger and more productive!
So while the internet is a great source for health information, you still need to have an expert decipher all of the often conflicting reports for you. Remember what Mark Twain said:
“Be careful reading health books… you could die from a misprint!”
Best wishes to your continued Great Health & Success,
Dr. Eugene Charles
*Appointments are available at (212)-683-9328
*Inspirational Books are available at
*Applied Kinesiology DVDs are available at
*Power Kinetics® Exercise DVD / Supplements are available at
STATINS vs "An Apple A Day"
THERE ARE NEW statin guidelines that your "well meaning" allopathic doctor may want to discuss with you. But please be aware—when you take statins—if you DIE from kidney failure, diabetes or liver problems caused by the statins before you die from cardiovascular problems you're attempting to treat, it is considered a SUCCESS!
In my opinion, this is like saying, "hitting someone over the head with a baseball bat is the cure for not dying from cancer." I can see the media headlines now: "THIS JUST IN—Studies have shown a 100% success rate in that no patient who underwent therapeutic intervention with a Louisville Slugger died of cancer!" (A little harsh perhaps, but we all have our sore points and getting people hooked on drugs under the pretense of health is mine.)
*The Framingham Heart Study (1948) from which this CHOLESTEROL scare came from NEVER said that cholesterol was the cause….and no study I am aware of EVER said that a cholesterol level of 200 was the norm! As a patient of mine who is a great researcher has said, "Correlation does not equal causation."
*On the other hand, a study from the UK states if statins do save lives, they also have serious side-effects. This study also found that:
Here are some "BASICS" for improving your cardiovascular health:
1. Eat one organic apple everyday
2. Exercise at least 5 days a week
3. Get your spine and skull aligned on a regular basis to help the nerve supply to the heart and blood vessels
To your continued great health and success,
Dr. Eugene Charles
Power Kinetics® may be the most intelligent way to workout. Learn more at
"It's All In Your Head." How Applied Kinesiology can get your head moving right and your body to follow!
As you may know, Applied Kinesiologists don’t treat conditions; we treat people. Through muscle testing we can see what IS NOT moving correctly and we get it moving again. When you visit us at the office we assess what needs to be done on an INDIVIDUAL BASIS with each and every patient.
In patients with headaches, It is very common to find that their skull is not moving properly. THAT’S RIGHT—your skull moves! It expands 2.2 millimeters every 10 seconds; according to a landmark study in the Journal of The American Osteopathic Association in 1994.
So you see, your skull is not just a big football helmet. It moves to pump cerebrospinal fluid to nourish every nerve in your body. This is why it is a good idea to come in on a regular basis to make sure all 206 bones in your body are moving properly—including your skull bones.
Just like when you can have a pinched nerve in your back; you can have a pinched nerve in your skull.
Instead of walking around with electrodes strapped to your head (see below), doesn’t it make more sense to stimulate the nerve by un-pinching it—instead of having an electrical device (TENS) doing it artificially?
See how the 12 Cranial Nerves (in Roman numerals) control the eyes, ears, nose, neck, jaw (TMJ), heart, lungs, stomach and intestines!? Cranial Nerve X also has a calming effect on your nervous system.
Hopefully, you now understand how getting your Cranial Bones moving properly not just helps with Headaches but also helps you with:
— Neck Pain
— Anxiety Attacks
— Heart Palpitations
— Hearing & Balance Issues
— Breathing and Lung Problems
— Digestive Disorders (GERD, gas, constipation etc)
— Eyesight problems and more
Its not Magic… It is Science properly applied!
FDA Approves First Device to Prevent Migraine
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today allowed marketing of the first device for the preventive treatment of migraine headaches (Cefaly, STX-Med). It is also the first transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) device specifically authorized for use before the onset of pain, the FDA noted in a statement released today. The device, which resembles a plastic headband worn across the forehead and over the ears, stimulates the trigeminal nerve using a self-adhesive electrode in the center of the forehead. "The user may feel a tingling or massaging sensation where the electrode is applied," the FDA notes. "Cefaly is indicated for patients 18 years of age and older and should only be used once per day for 20 minutes.” The device is already available in Europe, as well as several South American and Middle Eastern countries and Canada.
Breast Health Awareness Month
Three things for optimal breast health:
1. Avoid aluminum containing deodorants/antiperspirants
2. Avoid wearing overly tight bras and bras with metal underwire. (And take off your bra as soon as you get home. They need to breathe!)
3. Perform the door stretch 3-6 times a week.
One stretch I am adamant about is “The Door Stretch.” Why? Most of us tend to get hunched over due to our work. That’s the first reason. Secondly, this may be the most important stretch, especially for women. This stretches the chest muscles and helps with posture, and I believe helps prevent breast cancer.
The chest muscles sit above the main lymphatic drainage centers of the body. The lymphatics are the sewer system of the body. My theory is that if they are tight they block the lymphatics and the breast tissue sits in a toxic sewer since the drainage is impeded. So please teach this stretch to every woman you know (every man too). If I am mistaken about preventing breast cancer, then at least it will give people great posture and prevent that hump in the upper back that people tend to get as they get older. But if I am right, you are doing a great service for every woman you know. (Reference: breast cancer/lymphatics)
Door stretch
Put your elbows out on the doorframe with your hands up (like you are in a Western and being told to “stick em up), put one leg in front of the other, lean your body forward while keeping your back foot flat on the ground (this gives the calves a great stretch, another thing most women need due to high heels).
Recognize a Stroke by Asking Four Questions
Now, doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions, which you can remember by the acronym "STRT":
1* Ask the individual to SMILE.
2* Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) , such as, "It is sunny out today."
3* Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.
4* Stick out his/her TONGUE, according to one study. If the tongue is 'crooked' (if it goes to one side or the other) that could be an indication of a stroke.
If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call 911 immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.
What is a stroke?
A stroke is a disease that affects the arteries leading to and within the brain. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain is either blocked by a clot or bursts. When that happens, part of the brain cannot get the blood (and oxygen) it needs, so it starts to die. It is the number three cause of death in the United States, behind diseases of the heart and cancer, according to the American Stroke Association.
Everyone should take a moment out of their day to review the warning signs of a stroke from the American Stroke Association. It could save your life or the life of a friend/loved one.
*Doctor is Latin for a great doctor and teach this to all of your patients*
Stay happy and stay healthy,
Dr. Charles
How to Treat a Sprained Pelvis or Piriformis Syndrome Using the Serola Sacroiliac Belt
This one is for you, doctors! In this video, Dr. Eugene Charles explains how to treat a sprained pelvis (or Piriformis Syndrome) by using the Serola Sacroiliac belt by Dr. Serola. This is a simple, yet effective approach to treat low back pain, sciatica, bladder issues and ovary and prostate problems. It could be worn sitting at your desk at work all day, during exercise or during daily activities. Check out the belt at:
Allergies and Weight Loss
If you think about it, spring is actually the beginning of the new year. It is the time of life and growth and should be the time for us to set new goals and wake up from the cold cocoon of winter. Well, spring is here and so are allergies (for many of us) along with 10 pounds of bloat from too much holiday cheer and too little movement. This epidemic of allergies and weight gain can be disheartening especially when we feel it is a vicious cycle with no end in sight. The good news is, I have developed a remedy that seems to work miracles on both. I am not going to get into the physiology of it here, but the formula I have come up with, after 24 years in practice, to help with spring allergies and weight loss, is becoming known to my patients as "Dr. C's Spring Cleaning Drink" to help with Weight Loss and Allergies.

The formula for Dr. C's Spring Cleaning Drink is:
Dandelion root and apple cider vinegar.That's right, dandelion root and apple cider vinegar mixed with 6 oz of water. Have this three times a day between meals and before bedtime.
1) Dandelion: It's almost as if nature has those pesky dandelions to help us with these 2 common spring time problems. Dandelion is known to help with digestion, liver and kidney function and as a blood purifier. It is believed to get bile flowing, and the fat with it, as well as a diuretic to shed excess water weight. I believe that it can desensitize people to spring time allergens, perhaps by helping the liver.
2) Apple cider vinegar: This product has been used as a weight loss remedy for thousands of years. It may help you to feel full, or just help with digestion. Either way it seems to work. Same with allergies. I know getting alkaline is the current rage, and with good reason, but Dr. Royal Lee, who started Standard Process, the oldest vitamin company in the country, made some compelling points about acidifying the body (intelligently) to help with allergies and arthritis.
Good Brands:
You can use Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar or Heinz. Both yield ideal results.
Naturally check with your physician before starting anything new for possible side effects see here.
For dandelion root, I like to use Nature's Answers Alcohol Free and follow the instructions on how to use it 3 times a day. You can also add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to this to make the spring cleaning drink.
When taking Apple Cider Vinegar, Brush Your Teeth Immediately
Make sure you brush your teeth immediately after drinking apple cider vinegar due to the acidity of the vinegar. If you don't want to bother with adding this to the dandelion, then just do a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar right before bed then brush your teeth with a good baking soda toothpaste like Tom's or Arm and Hammer.
This should help you to become more active and enjoy the beautiful springtime with clear eyes and nose and a leaner waist.
Stay healthy and stay positive.
Treating Muscle and Bone Problems with the Vibracussor®
Dear Doctors, This post is for you. The following video clip is a demonstration of me using the VibraCussor by IMPAC, Inc. to treat myogelosis, or a thickening of the muscles. No one should ever attempt any of what they see here unless they are trained and certified in professional Applied Kinesiology.
Ward Off the Flu from You and Your Family
No one wants the flu. So, how do we prevent it during the winter months when everyone is in cooped up quarters and the people around us seem to be rapidly succumbing to this awful virus? Well, take a deep breath and read on to arm yourself with knowledge and tips.
The key to preventing and limiting the effects of the flu is to understand that IT IS NOT THE VIRUS ALONE THAT CAUSES THE FLU. If this were the case, everyone would be getting it all the time. It is the body that must be able to keep the effects of the virus at bay.
The following are tips to protect against the flu. The first three tips address the body itself and the last two deals with limiting exposure to the virus
Build your immune system now and your body will thank you later. Andrographis, astragalus as well as calcium lactate all help keep your immune system strong against viruses like the flu. Also, at least 50% of the immune system is in the gut. Therefore, 64 oz (2 Liters) of water per day, probiotics such as acidophilus found in natural yogurt (though supplement pills are recommended), and daily bowel movements help regulate the approximately 28-feet of intestines inside your body.
A run-down body is more susceptible to getting sick. S-L-E-E-P. I can’t emphasis it enough. Get at least 8-hours of rest at night and take a 15-minute power nap in the afternoon if you are feeling a little tired. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. If you’re feeling inescapably tired at work – use part of your lunch break to shut your eyes and recharge. When dogs get tired, they don’t drink coffee and keep going. They lie down and rest. Not only do you heal your body physically when you rest, but mentally as well. Lastly, check your mattress. If you are waking up sore or fatigued, it may be time to get a new one. I recommend Duxiana, Tempurepedic, Posturepedic and Beauty Rest.
A quiet piece of American history is that the flu epidemic of 1918 is the single event most responsible for chiropractic growing to become the largest American-born health profession. People were dying from this terrible epidemic with a notable exception of people being treated with the new healing procedure known as chiropractic adjustments. Why? Because proper movement of the spine influences the nervous system, which in turn, controls the immune system. Chiropractic adjustments are another way to strengthen your immunity. So, get a precise chiropractic adjustment regularly and keep your neurology functioning optimally.
Skin is the biggest organ of our bodies and it is greatly responsible for our interaction with the environment. Can anyone even count how many objects, people, surfaces, doorknobs, handles and light switches they have touched in a given day? You need to keep your hands clean and avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes at all costs unless your hands are thoroughly clean. It’s also important to remember to wash with natural soaps as much as you can – not the antibacterial type – and avoid touching high microbe areas such as door knobs and public toilets. Use your sleeve or a piece of paper-towel. Don’t be afraid of looking strange to others. You should never be ashamed of protecting your health. Also, the skin is a way of keeping viruses from accumulating in the body. Sweating and salt-water baths are excellent means of cleansing your internal environment. Exercise or visit the sauna 3-4 times per week and take weekly warm water salt-water baths for 20-minutes at a time. Masada Dead Sea salts are exceptional. While in the bath, treat yourself with a medicinal drink of green tea with a tablespoon of raw honey and apple cider vinegar – both are excellent immune builders. Remember to brush your teeth right afterwards, though, because apple cider vinegar is very acidic and can damage tooth enamel.
Breathe the way nature intended – through your nose. One of the first things I watch with new patients is how they breathe. Mouth breathers seem to get more infections, lung problems and sore throats. Your two nostrils have small hairs that filter, humidify and ionize the air that enters your lungs and then your blood stream. So be sure to breathe through your nose.
Stay healthy and stay positive,
Dr. Charles
Okay, you ate it. Now what?
What’s the remedy for that McDonald’s Sausage Biscuit you put down for breakfast this morning or that Big Mac you swore you wouldn’t eat last week but did it anyway? Nothing.
You could pray all you want for an antidote for this one, but I’m afraid the gods of evil grease are just too powerful to completely reverse fast food induced damage. Think about that the next time you “forget” to make yourself a healthy sandwich or “don’t have time” to prepare a fresh salad.
The simplest way to put it is like this: There is absolutely zero nutritional value in most fast foods, so you’re better off skipping lunch or finding a speedy alternative before your bad conscience materializes in the form of a little devil over your head and tempts you to spend on a Dollar Menu item to keep your growling tummy at bay during the 3 o’clock meeting.
You might choose to let your tummy growl if you only knew how badly your body was suffering internally after eating fast food. At fast food restaurants, serving sizes are bigger than they should be, filled with calories and sugar, and packed with trans-fats and partially hydrogenated oils – enough to increase the risk of heart disease, studies show. Compare serving sizes and calories of specific fast foods by clicking here. Fast food is devoid of all things nutritious and basically like a dose of poison for your body. If you’d like to read more why fast food, even in moderation, is bad for you, click here, but I’m going to tell you about what you can do for your body during those few times you slip up.
Whenever you eat a greasy meal, your liver secretes bile, which is stored by the gall bladder. Bile is released for the purpose of breaking down lipids or fats. So one of the things you could do to help your body’s process of digestion along is to take things that’ll get your fat digesting and bile flowing.
Here are three things that’ll help:
1. Ginger 2. Dandelion 3. Beet leaves
You may also want to incorporate some “good” oils into your diet such as olive oil, flaxseed oil and fish oil. All of these oils will help the bile flow and aid the process of digestion. Most of these are available in pill form if you don’t like how they taste, however, not all vitamins are created equal. I would recommend Standard Process Tuna Omega Oil and Black Currant Seed Oil. These are only available through your doctor (you may contact us to help you find a doctor in your area). The ideal type of olive oil is extra virgin first cold-pressed and stored in a dark container to prevent oxidation. Colavita is an example of a high quality olive oil.
Now that you’ve done this, remember to EXERCISE later that day or the next day. At least 30-minutes of aerobic exercise is needed to metabolize the fat.
Want to learn more about how to offset life’s little indiscretions like this one? Want to know how to healthily neutralize the burden of drinking too much coffee and eating pizza? You can have all these answers and much more for only $6.95 all in my pocket-sized book called “Antidotes for Indiscretions.”
What’s better than the gift of health for family and friends? And doctors, I offer the option to buy these books in bulk if you’d like to sell them in your office with your own personalized labels attached.
Learn more by clicking here or sending questions to
Dr. Eugene Charles Demonstrates Ileocecal Valve Technique
The following video clip is a DEMONSTRATION. No one should ever attempt any of what they see in this clip unless they are trained and certified in Professional Applied Kinesiology. Doctors may purchase my 100-hour Applied Kinesiology DVD and attend Applied Kinesiology workshops to become properly trained in this technique. Click here for a compiled list of other demonstrations shown on the AK DVD.