Applied Kinesiology in Clinical Practice
The 100 Hour Postgraduate Course
Start learning AK right at home with the 100 Hour Applied Kinesiology in Clinical Practice Course—fully edited into individual chapters, so you can either watch the entire seminar or go right to the topic of your choosing.
See: What is Applied Kinesiology Muscle Testing and How Does it Work?
“Applied Kinesiology (AK) Functional Muscle Testing is an elegant diagnostic tool that all Practitioners can learn and use to measure subtle, non-pathological conditions. Similar to Marie Curie—and her development of portable X-ray machines to see images of bones over 100 years ago—Dr. George Goodheart's development of Functional Muscle Testing can be implemented by doctors to find subtle mobility restrictions between bones; along with muscle strains and nutritional needs not previously detectable by other means. This is why AK Muscle Testing is as vital to diagnosis as X-rays, MRIs and blood tests.” ~Dr. Eugene Charles
Dr. Eugene Charles has taught the AK Certification Course over 30 times and has instructed approximately 1200 doctors from different specialties. He has been part of two clinical studies proving AK techniques, is published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Chiropractic Medicine for his “Successful Treatment of an Athlete who developed Arm Paralysis”, and wrote the award-winning book, Journey To Healing: The Art and Science of Applied Kinesiology— which contains interesting case studies and the newest scientific research on AK. (Your patients will enjoy the book too)
Dr. Charles has been interviewed by The Wall Street Journal and Major League Baseball for his expertise in ankle/foot problems and shoulder injuries. See more about AK and the Athlete here: “Applied Kinesiology Chiropractic Muscle Therapy for Athletic Injuries” Read the Full Article
Charles Seminars worked with a professional studio to enhance the home learning experience, while keeping the feel of being at the seminar.
Order now and you'll receive all 8 Workbooks + an additional AK Muscle Testing Booklet—free of charge (nearly a $200 value).
You will also be listed on the “Find Certified AK Doctors” Directory—for free.
"Applied Kinesiology is one of the greatest medical diagnostic and therapeutic systems to become available to practitioners in recent times. While many of you reading this may not be aware of this therapeutic system, I guarantee that you will want to know more as you read Dr. Charles’ clear exposition of the roots of this system of healing, its development, and application. As you will learn, the real instructor in Applied Kinesiology is the body itself. No need for a poor animal in a laboratory or a clinical drug trial…. Dr. Eugene Charles is a consummate clinician and has been one of the premier instructors in the field of Applied Kinesiology (AK) for over three decades. Chiropractors, osteopaths and physicians like myself have all appreciated his fund of knowledge and mastery of AK as developed by the late great George Goodheart.” ~ Kamau Kokayi, MD—Yale School of Medicine (’82)
“Applied Kinesiology’s time has truly come! Journey to Healing shows you how AK can improve your life and restore you to true health. Hopefully, practitioners will heed the call to study this compelling book and this groundbreaking modality that utilizes a broad spectrum of noninvasive diagnostic and treatment protocols to restore maximum function to your body.” ~Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, author of The Magnesium Miracle
“Thank you for teaching this course and for your dedication to furthering chiropractic.” ~John Thomas Giudice, D.C.
"I wanted to tell you how powerful an impact this work has had on my patients. I am truly grateful to you and to Dr Goodheart for this powerful addition to my repertoire.” ~Richard Nahas MD CCFP, Director, Seekers Centre for Integrative Medicine Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Ottawa
“I would like to thank you for not only changing my practice but for changing my life and my way of thinking.” ~Dr. Cooley, D.C.
“Dr. Charles is the best presenter of AK that I have come across. I love the way that you bring the material down to an everyday trench war-fare style, while at the same time bringing in the mental/spiritual aspects of what it takes to get the patient well.”~Dr. Mike Izquierdo
Applied Kinesiology is utilized by top sports teams such as AC Milan and athletes including Novak Djokovic, arguably the world’s greatest tennis player, who regularly receives care from chiropractors trained in applied kinesiology (AK).
See how Applied Kinesiology helped Chiropractic to join the US Olympic Medical Team
“Kinesiology – the study of human movement. Its historical roots trace back to the ancient philosopher Aristotle, often called the ‘Father of Kinesiology.’ His work marked a pivotal step in humanity’s future by providing a geometric analysis of muscle actions, laying the foundation for studying movement.
In 1964, the field gained traction when chiropractor George Goodheart introduced Applied Kinesiology. This approach involved studying muscle response, aligning with the term “kinesiology,” which denotes the study of movement. Goodheart’s innovative methods, effective in addressing complex health issues, were quickly adopted across various healthcare fields and studies.
Today, kinesiology is a booming, multidisciplinary field. It’s a popular choice for those looking to enter the sports and health industry, either as athletes, trainers, or healthcare professionals.” ~ Study International
The entire AK Course will be emailed to you in a downloadable MP4 Digital Format within 24 hours after ordering. Includes the workbooks in PDF form. (No need to click on the link at checkout)
Applied Kinesiology Course Syllabus
Session 1
Basic muscle testing. Causes of muscle inhibition. Advanced Muscle Manipulation Technique for Sports Injuries and Trauma. Vertebral Challenging to find spinal subluxations and the optimal vector of correction. Trigger Point Therapies.
Nutritional Analysis using muscle testing. Essential Fatty acids and prostaglandins for inflammation and pain. Spinal fixation patterns which affect the entire spinal cord—“pinched nervous system” as opposed to a “pinched nerve.”
Session 2
Postural analysis to uncover muscle imbalances. Lumbosacral subluxations, lumbar facet imbrication, safe and effective disc treatment, pelvic torque correction using SOT blocks. Piriformis syndrome—which most of your patients who work at a desk have—diagnosis and treatment for persistent cases of sciatica and Low Back Pain. Diagnosis and treatment of myofascial gelosis trigger points.
Session 3
Theory of cranial motion. Cranial faults: signs and symptoms, diagnosis and correction—to help people with headaches, vision problems, digestive issues, concussions and more. Precise Cervical Adjustments plus psycho-motor speed drills for optimal correction. Temporal sphenoidal line palpation to find hidden problems.
Session 4
Gait analysis to uncover a patient’s problem by simply watching them walk. Hidden cervical problems that can mimic a stroke or a cervical disc injury. Hip, knee, ankle, foot disorders—ankle sprains, pronation, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, bunions, tarsal tunnel syndrome, and how to use muscle testing to assess optimal orthotics and heel lifts.
Session 5
Introduction to acupuncture/meridian system Elbow, wrist, hand disorders—carpal tunnel syndrome, pisiform hamate syndrome, tennis / golfer’s elbow—and more.
Session 6
TMJ Imbalances- probably the most neurologically important joint in your body. Cranial Therapy Review. Shoulder problems (rotator cuff, thoracic outlet syndrome, slipped bicipital tendon, frozen shoulder, etc.), Emotional techniques (phobias, self-sabotage.), Neurological Disorganization Syndrome (NDS) correction to help people suffering from anxiety, ADHD and other learning disabilities. See video below.
Session 7
Complex acupuncture / meridian imbalances. Functional endocrine disorders—Insomnia, PMS, Infertility, Thyroid issues, Blood sugar disorders, Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome, Erectile Dysfunction (NOTE: Dr. Charles has developed advanced techniques for ED, so after viewing this material you can feel free to contact us and he will share with you his new findings)
Session 8
Treatments for AK visceral corrections—Ileocecal valve, Diaphragm issues, Advanced Lymphatic drainage technique, Organ Prolapse, Gastric Reflux/Hiatal Hernia/GERD, Constipation, Irritable bowel, Pain Management Procedures.
*The Session will conclude with a thorough recapitulation of how to most effectively utilize the vast amount of material in the 100 Hour Course.
Examination for Certification of Completion (Optional—See Below)
OPTIONAL: A certificate of completion for the course is available from Dr. Charles once you pass the examination. You can sign up now or after you complete your studies and feel you are ready to take the test.
*Since this material is educational in nature, all sales are final and refunds are not possible. Reselling or sharing this material is strictly prohibited.
Important: Practitioners must only use this information as it applies to the scope of their licensure, including any state requirements or supervision regulations.
**Please note that individual sessions are ONLY available in Downloadable MP4 Digital Form**
Individual Sessions of The Applied Kinesiology in Clinical Practice in a downloadable MP4 Digital Format.
DVDs are no longer available of individual sessions.
*Order here and write in the “Note/Additional Info” Section (which shows up after you click on “how did you hear about us” which Session(s) you are interested in (I.e. Session 1 etc.) at CHECKOUT and they will be emailed to you within 24 hours after ordering. (No need to click on the link after purchasing)
You can read the descriptions of each of the individual Sessions (1-8) above in the complete Applied Kinesiology Postgraduate Course.