AK Course (Up to 29 Hours CE *)

Dr Charles takes you on a learning and practical journey through Applied Kinesiology (AK) in this extensive course. Online seminar, direct start.

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Dr. Eugene Charles has taught the AK Certification Course over 30 times and has instructed approximately 1200 doctors from different specialties. He has been part of two clinical studies proving AK techniques, is published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Chiropractic Medicine for his “Successful Treatment of an Athlete who developed Arm Paralysis,” and wrote the award-winning book, Journey To Healing: The Art and Science of Applied Kinesiology— which contains interesting case studies and the newest scientific research on AK(Your patients will enjoy the book too)

*See how Applied Kinesiology helped Chiropractic to join the US Olympic Medical Team

“Applied Kinesiology (AK) Functional Muscle Testing is an elegant diagnostic tool that all practitioners can learn and use to measure subtle, non-pathological conditions. Similar to Marie Curie—and her development of portable X-ray machines to see images of bones over 100 years ago—Dr. George Goodheart's development of functional muscle testing can be implemented by doctors to find subtle mobility restrictions between bones; along with muscle strains and nutritional needs not previously detectable by other means. This is why AK Functional Muscle Testing is as vital to diagnosis as X-rays, MRIs and blood tests.” ~Dr. Eugene Charles

Charles Seminars worked with a professional studio to enhance the home learning experience, while keeping the feel of being at the seminar. 

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