The Allergy Relief Technique™
Dr. Eugene Charles—author of the award-winning book, Journey To Healing: The Art and Science of Applied Kinesiology—has developed an incredibly powerful acupressure tapping technique to effectively mitigate hypersensitivity reactions. You will usually see a dramatic difference after the first session. If you want to help someone suffering from allergies to pollen, foods or even pets—consider learning this technique.
The Allergy Relief Technique™ is a quick, stand-alone modality that you can seamlessly incorporate into your practice to help people suffering with allergies. It is an incredibly simple technique and this is what makes it so effective.
The procedure is a unique and potent combination of Muscle Testing and Acupressure that essentially allows you to shut off the inappropriate hypersensitivity response. While there are no guarantees it will work on everyone, its proven track record makes it an incredible resource that you need to have in your "healing toolbox" if you want to help more patients reach a higher level of health. Remember, we don’t treat the allergy—we treat the person with the allergy.
Some patients have asked, "How does Dr. Charles' Allergy Relief Technique™ work?"
Dr. Charles calls an allergy a “physiological phobia.” It is a physical overreaction to something that is not really a problem. The technique he developed stops this overreaction. This is accomplished through muscle testing, homeopathy and specific acupressure points to “reset” your body’s overreaction, which is what an allergy is, to an allergen (pollen, food, pet hair, etc.)
Therefore, the problem is not in the external environment (Pollen, Pet, or Peanut); the problem—and the solution—resides within the internal environment of each person.
Here is a peer-reviewed reference demonstrating the relationship between Applied Kinesiology muscle testing findings and blood tests for food allergies:
Schmitt, W.H. Jr. & Leisman, G. Correlation of applied kinesiology muscle testing findings with serum immunoglobulin levels for food allergies. International Journal of Neuroscience, 1998, 96, 237-244.
Watch this Introductory Video to learn more about this potentially life-changing procedure.
Get the technique below...
The Allergy Relief Technique™—On Sale This Month
Dr. Eugene Charles’ Allergy Relief Technique was featured in the Chiropractic Economics Magazine. See the full > Edition.
“Dr. Charles’ Allergy Relief Technique has enhanced my practice tremendously! The ability for the body to desensitize the allergen and heal itself is truly the highest form of health optimization. Thanks Dr. Charles!”
Here is information that you can personalize and share with your patients in a free pamphlet (PDF) that is included in your order:
"My allergies are gone after four treatments! How is this possible..?" This was the question a patient asked me after I relieved his 30 years of suffering with seasonal allergies after just four sessions... You may be tempted to ask your doctor the same question.
I feel the reason The Allergy Relief Technique™ is able to work so dramatically is that an allergy is basically an overreaction of your nervous system to something it should not be reacting to at all. Unlike other health issues such as low back pain, which can occur in varying degrees, allergies are an all or nothing phenomenon. You either have allergies or you don’t. It is like turning on a light switch.
The Allergy Relief Technique™ that your doctor is using on you simply turns the switch off. How? By using muscle testing and very specific acupressure points, your doctor is able to influence your nervous system to stop it in its tracks from overreacting to a stimulus or allergen (food or environmental). The acupressure points on your head were discovered approximately 5,000 years ago and are known to be incredibly powerful. What your doctor is doing is stimulating them to desensitize your nervous system to a very specific trigger. The reason this technique can work immediately is because it is not the food or pollen that is the problem—it is your nervous system basically getting too nervous and overreacting to it.
Your doctor is essentially calming down your nervous system in a very specific manner. This is why you need to have regular treatments to decrease nervous tension and is why your doctor may work on the bones of your skull to relieve tension there as well. Since allergies also have a histamine or adrenal response, your doctor might have you take some natural anti-histamine or adrenal support supplements to go along with the technique. These are great because they nurture your healing process and do not make you dependent on them or cause you to become drowsy like synthetic drugs often do. Likewise, The Allergy Relief Technique™ naturally balances your body's physiology so you can be allergy-free—not because you are artificially blocking symptoms but because you are healthier!
Remember, health is what you do FOR your body minus what you do TO your body.
Follow your doctor’s advice regarding other health issues such as exercise, eating well and receiving your regular wellness treatments. While The Allergy Relief Technique may appear miraculous it is really science properly applied.
*Since this material is educational in nature, all sales are final and refunds are not possible. Reselling or sharing this material is strictly prohibited.
More testimonialS:
“I had an anaphylactic allergic reaction and was rushed to the Emergency Room on three different occasions after eating almonds. Dr. Charles did his Allergy Relief Technique on me and I’m happy to say I’m now able to eat almonds, and anything else for that matter, with no problems.
This was after going to an allergist who told me I had nut allergies, which I already knew, and his treatment plan was to give me an EpiPen® and told me not to eat nuts. In my case, The Allergy Relief Technique was a better solution.”
“Our three year old daughter Emily had terrible seasonal allergies and was also so allergic to horse hair that we could not take her to visit family who had horses. Dr. Charles’ Allergy Technique alleviated all her symptoms and two years later Emily still has not had a single reaction.
“Now that I know it... This technique is worth its weight in gold. It’s great.
“Hey Doc, I have had great feedback so far from the patients I have done the allergy technique on. Thanks! Also, I love how simple the technique is. A few years back I bought a Bax Aura system. It works just fine, but I never really liked going through the whole process. I like things more hands on and simple. I guess it’s those delusions of thinking I want to hire a staff person to do all the allergy work with a machine. Yeah, definitely NOT me! I found that out.
Well, I sold the Aura last week. I actually got all my $30,000 back from the purchase of it! So, I got to play with it for a few years, figured out it wasn’t for me, and got my money back!
All in all. Thanks for the great technique. Simple. Effective. Thanks again!
So a guy comes in with blistery cracking on his hands. Been like that forever. Says it gets worse with coaching youth basketball. I know most younger kids use the rubber balls so I check him for latex. I’m not even sure if there is latex in those balls, but I had a hunch. Sure enough, he has a reaction. I used your allergy technique and he emails me a few days later saying his hands are completely healed up and he even coached basketball the night before. He just came in and showed me his hands….Completely clear. No cracking.
“Hey Dr. Charles, I hope you are well. I want to thank you for the allergy treatment technique. It has been working great for me and my patients.
Thanks for your continued guidance and help. You have been a major inspiration and guide for me over the years and I want you to know that I deeply appreciate it. All the best.”
“Dr. Charles cured my nut and wheat allergies! I usually have bad experiences with doctors and just end-up getting used to the pain or limitations of my body and “make do” with the results... But after visiting Dr. Charles, I feel like a new person with so much energy and life.
He’s even helped me with my food and seasonal allergies! I’ve noticed a huge difference in my respiratory allergies, and can even enjoy foods that I haven’t been able to in years! ”
“I couldn’t eat cheese for years. Dr. Charles did his Allergy Relief Technique™ on me and I went down to Famous Original Ray’s Pizza and enjoyed 2 slices with no problems."
— Sinclair Rankin., New York City