Practice Leadership Program

Dr. Charles was featured in for his success in private practice by establishing patient care as the center of his business model. (May 11, 2017).

To be a great doctor, you must also be a great businessperson so you have the freedom to practice as you see fit for the maximum benefit to your patients.


“Buying posters will not build your practice, mailers will not...

giving more service and better service—in a spirit of

wanting to help people—will.”

~Dr. Eugene Charles

A Prosperous Practice follows the same rules of success as any enterprise—provide the HIGHEST QUALITY service to the most people possible and everyone WINS.

Dr. Eugene Charles—author of Journey To Healing: The Art and Science of Applied Kinesiology— has made available two Practice Leadership Program (PLP) Packages for you to choose from.

Package 1—Contains the Practice Leadership Playbook with accompanying audios (CDs or Downloadable Format which is emailed to you)

Package 2—Contains the Practice Leadership Playbook only (Physical book or in PDF format which is emailed to you)

Practice Leadership Program (Package 1)-Includes PLP Playbook (PDF Format) and Downloadable Digital Audio
Sale Price: $399.00 Original Price: $499.00

Practice Building Playbook in PDF Format with 8 accompanying Downloadable Audio Recordings. Immerse yourself in these success principles. These will be emailed to you within 24 hours after ordering. (No need to click on the link after purchasing).

You have to learn business principles, protocols and procedures just as you learned healing principles, protocols and procedures. You have to earn your diploma in Practice Leadership because doctors are leaders, not managers.

The Practice Leadership Program is an 8-part success program for the healthcare practitioner:

  1. Success principles rooted in integrity and used by all high achievers

  2. Practice protocols employed by successful healthcare providers

  3. Inspirational truths to keep your thoughts positive and accurate

  4. Free Listing on the Charles Seminars website

  5. Verbal Judo so you can adeptly handle any attacks on you or holistic healthcare

  6. Marketing and Financial Strategies proven to help you create the practice of your dreams

  7. Mentoring to guide you through the development of your private practice muscles

  8. Now bundled in an affordable package

There is a familiar saying in the chiropractic profession, “You have volume practitioners and you have old practitioners but there are no old volume practitioners.” With this in mind—you should ask yourself, "Is it smarter to earn the same money seeing 400 patients in a week, or 40?"

Remember, "It's not how many patients you see, it's how many you heal that dictates your success — professionally and personally." If this investment in yourself — in attaining a richer level of insight and healing knowledge — appeals to you, then you are ready for The Practice Leadership Program (PLP).  


"I found your Practice Leadership Program very useful. I mined several diamonds-well worth the time and money. Thank you for your creation"  - Dr. William Maykel, Wellesley, MA (Private Practice since 1978) 

"I'm in school at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine. My father gave me your Practice Leadership Program. It is very informative and will be indispensable when starting my practice. Thank you!" - Patrick Gazzini

“Let me thank and congratulate you on 2 very fine products, the PowerKinetics® DVD & The Practice Leadership Program. I own them both and love em! Also, thank you and The Practice Leadership Members for helping me with a $250,000 grant.”  - Dr. Jessica Loda, Ithaca, NY

"Thank you for all of your practice building tips. Steve and I really enjoyed hearing your positive outlook on building a practice! We are both really excited and jazzed about starting and how awesome AK really is! More than ever we appreciate all that you gave us. Thanks again for your inspiration. It truly is 'Science Properly Applied’.”
 - Dr. Shelley Crombach & Dr. Steve Brandon

“Dear fellow practitioners, The Practice Leadership Program is a no BS approach to guiding and mentoring you on how to 'lead your ship.’ Follow it step by step and you will be amazed at how growth in yourself personally will translate into what you are able to accomplish in your practice. Thank you Dr. Charles!"  - Zeya Alikhan B. Sc, D.C. Ontario, Canada (AK practitioner since 1993)

"I've been able to build a million dollar, AK, All-Cash dream practice using the attitude, mind-set and principles laid out in Dr Charles' Practice Leadership Program ™. I recommend it to any doc that truly wants a Dream Practice.- Howard Cohn DC, Costa Mesa, CA 

This Program works well combined with the Applied Kinesiology in Clinical Practice Course and the Precision Adjusting Program.

The Applied Kinesiology in Clinical Practice Course includes 8 units of AK / Chiropractic DVDs or downloadable MP4 Format and workbooks to expand and enhance your healing tools. 

The Precision Adjusting Program contains a complete training program to develop greater coordination and refinement to your Chiropractic Adjustments. Also, included are demonstrations of various adjustment setups and procedures.

The Practice Leadership Program (PLP) includes 8 Modules in CDs or downloadable Audio Format and your PLP Playbook regarding success principles and Practice Building Protocols.


For a small investment you can create the practice and the future you want. 

** The Applied Kinesiology in Clinical Practice Course gives you an exciting array of tools to heal patients who may not respond to other techniques. THIS IS THE KEY TO YOUR SUCCESS! If you do not have something unique to offer your patients they will not be as willing to leave the status quo insurance model. WHY should they if you are simply offering what every chiropractor on your block is doing? To see more information about what you will learn, go to Applied Kinesiology in Clinical Practice Course

Practice Leadership Program Playbook


If you have already learned AK and would like the PLP Business Playbook only, this is available to you for $299. This does not include the 8 audio programs that are contained in Package 1

If you have not learned AK and only want the business material, you have this option also. However, this is the least effective option. Why? Without the specialized training, it is more difficult to stand out from the crowd and reach your highest potential.

However, this choice is available and you can always invest in the Applied Kinesiology Course and Precision Adjusting Program down the road.

  • Practice Leadership Playbook

  • You will be billed $299 (+ shipping & handling)

Practice Leadership Program Playbook (Package 2) in PDF Format

Learn these timeless business principles based on honesty and integrity to build your practice and enable you to enjoy financial freedom by healing and helping as many people as possible. The Playbook will be emailed to you within 24 hours after ordering. (No need to click on the link after purchasing)

I want you to succeed and gain financial freedom by healing as many people as possible...both our reputations depend on it.
- Dr. Eugene Charles

 Coming together is a beginning. 
Keeping together is progress. 
Working together is success. 
~ Henry Ford

*This program makes you eligible for private consultations with Dr. Charles.

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