Applied Kinesiology: The First Visit

If you’re an Applied Kinesiologist, you’re going to appreciate how AK: The First Visit transforms your new patient visits. You’ll learn how to condense what now takes you three visits into a single session, and begin providing immediate relief to your patients.

*No longer on DVD—Available in Digital Download Format sent right to your computer or smartphone— See Below

AK - The First Visit in MP4 Digital Format and workbook (PDF)

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How can you organize all the Applied Kinesiology techniques in an efficient, systemized way for a first patient visit?

Over the course of his five hour presentation, Dr. Eugene Charles—author of Journey To Healing: The Art and Science of Applied Kinesiology— gives you everything you need to know to gather more comprehensive patient histories, perform more rigorous and enlightening exams, and more effectively structure the treatment you deliver in a first patient visit.

As you apply the clinical pearls Dr. Charles shares from over 30 years of experience, you’ll be be able to condense what normally takes three visits into just one…

And in the process, set up doctor-patient relationships that can last for life - the backbone of a practice that ensures you enjoy a low-stress, enjoyable practice life.


What Is Covered In This dynamic Seminar?

In Applied Kinesiology - The First Visit, Dr. Charles demonstrates how you can organize all the Applied Kinesiology techniques in an efficient, systemized way for a first patient visit.

Some of what you’ll learn includes:

  • How to gather a more comprehensive patient history through careful questioning and prompts to your patient, enabling them to reveal critical clues as to what’s brought them to your office (these will guide you in treating the root causes that other physicians simply don’t see)

  • The three types of blood pressure measurements to take, and which order to take them in, so that your patient feels comfortable and relaxed with you (plus what discrepancies you should look expect, and what they mean)

  • The 7 responsibilities of an Applied Kinesiologist, and how they connect to your new patient’s first visit to your office — using these 7 responsibilities will set you apart

  • How to overcome the confusion and overwhelming task of trying to do everything at once in your patient’s first visit, and remove the fear that you might miss a critical step, by following a predictable, repeatable flow with every new patient

  • The keys to treating patients that suffer from psychological self sabotage that keeps them sick, unhealthy, and unhappy (this process is quick and easy to apply, and demonstrates to the patient what you see that they can’t)

  • Keys to biochemical challenging that can reveal cardiovascular risk, allergies, and causes of limited ROM, so that you can reveal to your patient what is going on inside their body

*Since this is material is educational in nature, all sales are final and refunds are not possible. Reselling or sharing this material is strictly prohibited.