

Here is the first step in my new Power Kinetics® (PK)

5-step program to the most intelligent and healthy way to get the perfect stomach.

The Power Kinetics abdominal exercise. Step 1—Part 1

BEGIN by pushing your feet into the floor and  contract your gluteus muscles. This will slightly elevate the pelvis off of the floor and increase the intensity of the abdominal contraction. Most ab exercises contract the hip flexors. (i.e. by raising the knees up towards your head) This is biomechanically unsound and creates tension in the low back—a MAJOR reason why so many “well meaning” people hurt their backs while trying to strengthen their abdominal muscles.

These PK Sit-ups are safe and protect your low back! Also, contracting your buttocks develops the gluteal muscles while you also strengthen your stomach.

The Power Kinetics abdominal exercise. Step 1—Part 2

FINISH by exhaling; blow-out forcibly (this further contracts and tones the abdominal muscles) as you bring your body, and your hands up—TOWARDS THE CEILING!  Do not squeeze yourself into a ball. This compresses the very sensitive abdominal organs that you are developing your stomach muscles to protect! If you find your neck muscles are not strong enough and you feel them straining then put your hands behind your neck for added support.

Do as many repetitions as you can. Do these three days a week. Perform the Power Kinetic® exercises on the alternative days, so you are stimulating the muscle fibers six days a week.

*Check with your physician before starting any exercise program.

Bonus: To help remove fat from the stomach region take 2 Relora with Bacopa daily. The PK exercise DVD and the Relora are available here:

To Actualizing Your Potential and Living as Richly as possible,

Eugene Charles, D.C., DIBAK Diplomate, International Board of Applied Kinesiology

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